Protection concept/protective measures for the administration of Cambridge English examinations (updated 25.01.2021)

Cambridge Examinations Basel GmbH strives to follow the measures of the Federal Office of Public Health and the cantonal Departments of Health to support and ensure the protection of the population, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated 25.01.2021


1 Protective measures to ensure the safety & distance

Masks & temperature control
Mandatory temperature check of all candidates and exams staff upon entering any examination rooms using contactless IR thermometers. This procedure does not compromise Data Protection Laws.

Masks must be worn by Cambridge staff and candidates at all times.

Number of customers in the examination rooms
Written examinations: A maximum of 50 persons (excl. staff members) will be allowed in the examination room in accordance with the regulations from the authorities and the social distancing regulations.
Oral examinations: A maximum of 5 will be allowed in the examination rooms in accordance with the regulations of the authorities.

Waiting outside the examination venues
To avoid crowding outside the examination room, there will be a staggered arrival and entry procedure: 25 candidates will be asked to arrive, enter and leave the examination room at 15-minute intervals.

Waiting room for oral examinations
A maximum of 10 persons will be allowed in accordance with the regulations of the authorities.

1.5 metre distance at all times
The distance between two persons, side-by-side and front-to-back must be least 1.5 meters. This applies to all places where work is carried out as well as in examination and break rooms. If this is not possible, the contact time between persons will be as short as possible and suitable protective measures will be implemented. Safety distance in break rooms is guaranteed. Staggered breaks or a specification of the maximum occupancy of a room is prescribed. The arrangement of chairs and tables to ensure the safety distance has been carried out. This applies both to office staff and to customer contact.

Ground markings
To ensure that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters is maintained between employees and candidates and customers, there are additional floor markings at the entrance to the building and when entering the test rooms. There are floor markings to the toilets. There are discretion lines. Externe Veranstaltungsorte müssen ihre eigenen Hygienemassnahmen bereitstellen und einhalten.

If queues cannot be avoided, candidates will be asked to wait outside the building. The requirements from FHPO must be adhered to.

Regular ventilation of the rooms will be carried out, especially between the examination sections/papers.

In order to protect both employees and customers, animated conversations will be reduced to a minimum, unless this is part of the examinations process (instructions to candidates, speaking examinations). To prevent silence from being misinterpreted as rudeness, this will be communicated to all concerned prior to the examinations.

Home office & Flexible working hours
Home office and flexible working hours are permitted.
Staggered and/or shift working schedules for both office staff as well as examination hall staff is implemented.

2 Cleaning and disinfection

Washing hands
In general, washing hands with soap and water as often as possible is encouraged, especially when arriving at the workplace, before and after breaks, before and after going to the toilet and before and after meetings/examinations.

Disposable towels
Disposable towels are available. External venues must provide and adhere to their own hygiene measures.

Cleaning and disinfection of the surroundings
Surfaces with which customers and / or employees come into direct contact will be cleaned or disinfected regularly. This includes work surfaces, door handles, lift buttons, stair rails, coffee machines, keyboards, telephones, tables, chairs if possible, and other objects as well. WCs will be checked and cleaned regularly. A cleaning company will be assigned to carry out a thorough cleaning every week. External venues must provide and adhere to their own hygiene measures.

Hand disinfectant for customers
Hand disinfectant will be provided in the entrance area and in the rooms where staff and customers are present. Customers will be requested to use it. External venues must provide and adhere to their own hygiene measures.

Sharing crockery
Employees were reminded not to share cups, glasses, crockery and cutlery.

Removal reading material
Magazines and papers e.g. from waiting rooms and common areas (such as coffee corners and kitchens) have been removed.

3 Scheduling and planning

Generous planning of examination dates, especially for oral examinations
In order to avoid large groupings of people, especially in the case of oral examinations, a generous planning of examination dates and speaking test schedules has been carried out. In this way, waiting times and queues in the outside area are kept as low as possible.

To avoid long waiting times as much as possible, candidates are asked to arrive punctually and not too early for the examinations.

List of customers and candidates
An employee and candidate list with name, telephone number and e-mail address is available. The company has already received the customer's consent.

Illness of employees and/or candidates
Employees and candidates will be informed prior to the examination that if they experience coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath with or without fever, feverish feeling or muscle pain, they must stay at home. This protective measure will be clearly communicated to all employees and candidates in the appropriate languages. Employees who suffer from coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath with or without fever, feverish feeling or muscle pain at work must go home immediately or, after registering by telephone, visit a doctor's surgery or emergency unit. No employee is allowed to work if sick.

These measures will be communicated to all employees and customers.

More Exam Regions in Switzerland

Basel, Riehen

Aesch, Liestal, Muttenz, Reinach


Genève, Chêne-Bougeries, Cologny, Petit-Lancy, Thônex, Veyrier

Jura, Delémont, Porrentruy

Luzern, Affoltern am Albis, Nottwil/Sursee, Pfäffikon




Solothurn, Breitenbach

Brig, Visp, Sierre, Sion, St. Maurice, Monthey

Vaud East
Aigle, Villars, St Maurice, La Tour de Peilz, Vevey, Montreux, Gstaad

Vaud West
Lausanne, Payerne, Pully, Morges, Nyon, Renens, Yverdon-les-Bains
