Results Enquiries

If you are unhappy with the result of your exam and you wish to query your results, please discuss this with Cambridge Assessment English Authorised Exam Centre Basel & Jura - Contact. If you are still unhappy, they can submit a Results Enquiry on your behalf.

There are two stages to this process:

Stage 1
A full clerical re-check. We will check that all of the marks on your exam papers have been correctly counted, to make sure there have been no mistakes when calculating your final grade. At this stage, your exam papers will not be re-marked.

Stage 2
A full re-mark of all papers*. If you are still not satisfied after completing Stage 1, we will arrange for an examiner to re-mark your entire exam for you.

Your exam Centre must submit your Results Enquiry on your behalf and they will guide you through the process. There is a charge for each stage, which will be refunded if any change is made to your final grade. Please speak to your exam Centre for information about the costs and time-scales for a Results Enquiry.

Further information regarding Results Enquiries and Appeals can be found here.
Please note that your grade could go down as well as up as a result of a Results Enquiry.
There are deadlines for requesting Results Enquiries, so you will need to contact your centre as soon as possible after receiving your results.
*It is not possible for Speaking Tests to be re-marked.

  1. All requests for result enquiries must be received within 14 days following the result issue date. This applies to all examinations PB & CB. All requests must be made by your Centre Exams Manager.
  2. All candidates wishing to request a Re-mark (Stage 2) must have completed, and received their results for a Re-check (Stage 1) before requesting a Re-mark (Stage 2).
  3. Outcomes for Stage 1 requests will be advised within 5 working days from the date the original request was received. Outcomes for Stage 2 requests will be dispatched within 3 weeks from the date the enquiry was received.
  4. Where an enquiry leads to a change of grade, the Results Enquiry fee will not be charged.
  5. Should a result enquiry lead to a grade change, the original certificate must be sent to the Centre and proof of postage is strongly recommended.
  6. Where candidates are dissatisfied with the outcome of the results enquiry process, they are entitled to request a formal appeal against their result. Please contact your Centre for the procedure.

Results Enquiry Fees

Service description Stage Fee
A full clerical re-check of all papers 1 CHF 60.00
A re-mark of papers 2 CHF 160.00

*It is not possible for Speaking Tests to be re-marked.

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Jura, Delémont, Porrentruy

Luzern, Affoltern am Albis, Nottwil/Sursee, Pfäffikon




Solothurn, Breitenbach

Brig, Visp, Sierre, Sion, St. Maurice, Monthey

Vaud East
Aigle, Villars, St Maurice, La Tour de Peilz, Vevey, Montreux, Gstaad

Vaud West
Lausanne, Payerne, Pully, Morges, Nyon, Renens, Yverdon-les-Bains
